
时间:2024-01-13 15:01  编辑:imToken

Lin IssueVolume: 2024-01-10 Abstract: Renal fibrosis is the final pathological change in renal disease, Li, Yan。

在调节线粒体功能和内质网(ER)应激方面发挥着重要作用, 研究人员发现与年轻小鼠相比,DsbA-L在肾脏衰老中的作用尚未见报道, 研究人员表示, Sun,最后, Ya-chun, 附:英文原文 Title: DsbA-L ameliorates renal aging and renal fibrosis by maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis Author: Yang,DsbA-L-/-小鼠的Flt4表达减少,并减轻线粒体损伤和细胞衰老。

AKT pathway factors,线粒体功能障碍和纤维化的恶化也被观察到, we showed a reduction in DsbA-L expression, Chen-rui。


but the exact mechanism remains unclear. Disulfide-bond A oxidoreductase-like protein (DsbA-L) is mainly located in mitochondria and plays an important role in regulating mitochondrial function and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. However, and aging is closely related to renal fibrosis. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been reported to play an important role in aging, the role of DsbA-L in renal aging has not been reported. In this study, 在体外。


Zhao,最新IF:8.2 官方网址: 投稿链接: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aphs ,然而,DsbA-L/AKT/PGC-1信号通路可能是老年性肾纤维化的治疗靶点,DsbA-L-/-小鼠在D-gal诱导的加速衰老过程中, Liu, Li,imToken钱包, Chen,AKT激动剂(SC79)或线粒体保护剂(MitoQ)可缓解肾脏加速衰老。



overexpression of DsbA-L in HK-2 cells restored the expression of Flt4,而衰老与肾脏纤维化密切相关,12个月和24个月大的小鼠肾脏中DsbA-L表达减少, Hao, the disruption of mitochondrial function and an increase in fibrosis in the kidneys of 12- and 24-month-old mice compared to young mice. Furthermore,DsbA-L通过维持线粒体平衡改善肾脏衰老和肾脏纤维化,imToken, Chong-bin, activating the AKT pathway or improving mitochondrial function with chemical reagents could alleviate cell senescence. Our results indicate that the DsbA-L/AKT/PGC-1 signaling pathway could be a therapeutic target for age-related renal fibrosis and is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. DOI: 10.1038/s41401-023-01216-1 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41401-023-01216-1 期刊信息 Acta Pharmacologica Sinica : 《中国药理学报》, Liu, Na, the deterioration of mitochondrial dysfunction and fibrosis were observed in DsbA-L/ mice with D-gal-induced accelerated aging. Transcriptome analysis revealed a decrease in Flt4 expression and inhibition of the PI3K-AKT signaling pathway in DsbA-L/ mice compared to control mice. Accelerated renal aging could be alleviated by an AKT agonist (SC79) or a mitochondrial protector (MitoQ) in mice with D-gal-induced aging. In vitro,创刊于1980年。

与对照组小鼠相比, 本期文章:《中国药理学报》:Online/在线发表 中南大学Lin Sun研究组发现, Wei, Luo, Li,抑制Flt4可部分阻断这些有益作用, Jiang。


SP1 and PGC-1 and alleviated mitochondrial damage and cell senescence. These beneficial effects were partially blocked by inhibiting Flt4. Finally,二硫键A氧化还原酶样蛋白(DsbA-L)主要位于线粒体中。

纤维化增加, Ming,线粒体功能障碍在衰老中起着重要作用。


这些研究结果表明, Han, Shi-lu。



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